For over a decade I have been celebrating Computer Science Education week with Vermont educators. In 2013, we created a place for Vermont schools to share their participation in #CSEdWeek and the #HourOfCode activities that many of them participated in. Since taking on a role as a chapter leader for Vermont-CSTA, I've continued these efforts. Here are some highlights from our Vermont schools participation in #CSEdWeek2024,
One of my contributions this year was to design a workflow for elementary classroom teachers, librarians, and their students to code an interactive experience using SCRATCH to accompany the children's picture book "Who's Afraid of the Light" by Anna MacGregor. This was one of my grandchildren's favorites from the Red Clover Book Award nominees.
I also created a PD opportunity for educators who wanted to create confidence with code using this workflow. If you're interested in enrolling in this PD opportunity (including a certificate of participation for continuing ed credit) email me at ldelabruere at gmail and I'll send you the Google Classroom Code.
You can get a copy from your local bookstore or your library.
You will meet 4 bioluminescent characters:
a gulper eel, a vampire squid, a spook fish, and an angler fish.
Trace the outside of the character with a bold black line using a Sharpie.
Perhaps each of the younger readers could draw ONE character that older children can use as they learn to code the experience. I can tell you from experience that the younger learners will be very excited to see their illustrations used in these Scratch projects. When your older students use younger reading buddies as an 'authentic audience' for their projects, they hear comments like "There's mine!" contributing to a feeling of community amongst your students. That's an outcome worth striving for in our schools.
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