I'm super excited to be part of the AI-Vermont Playground where we will use an accessible block based platform for engaging students with creative coding: Creaticode.com
Use these slides to engage in our playground session.
I'm super excited to be part of the AI-Vermont Playground where we will use an accessible block based platform for engaging students with creative coding: Creaticode.com
Use these slides to engage in our playground session.
I got the opportunity to lead a discussion on AI at Middle Grades Institute this week.
The goal for our conversation was to connect with thought partners on the topic of AI in education.
And those who identified with the Southern Compass were eager to ask some important questions about diversity, inclusion and equity.
MGC Follow-up events on AI (tba)
Create Make Learn
(focus on Creativity & Constructionist uses of AI)
AOE - grant for (ISTE AI course)
Vermont-CSTA (VT CS Teachers Association)