Thursday, June 27, 2024

AI for Educators Discussion at MGI


I got the opportunity to lead a  discussion on AI at Middle Grades Institute this week. 

The goal for our conversation was to connect with thought partners on the topic of AI in education.

I chose to use the Compass Protocol from SRI as a framework for the discussion. We started by thinking about our own personalities and needs and formed discussion questions based on those 4 compass points.

As a person who identifies with the North Compass Point, you have probably already tried AI tools.  We shared AI tools that help us be more efficient and effective with instruction as well as AI tools that support constructionist practices. 

We considered some of the Big Picture questions that are being asked by those of us who align with the EAST compass point. 

And those who identified with the Southern Compass were eager to ask some important questions about diversity, inclusion and equity.

And we concluded our discussion with suggestions of how we learn more and the conversation about AI continues to evolve.

Here are a few ideas for staying connected to learn more. 

 Feel free to complete this Google Form if you would like to get notified as opportunities to stay connected about AI in education in Vermont you can. 

 If you'd like to use these discussion starter slides with your colleagues, you may use them or join our discussion. 

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