Wednesday, May 1, 2024

5 Reasons To Join Us This Summer

5 reasons to join us at 

Create Make Learn Summer Institute 
in Bellows Falls on August 5-9, 2024

Come and be INSPIRED
CREATE Confidence with new tools
MAKE a meaningful project
LEARN Design Thinking
& other ways to engage students with hands-on minds-on learning

Don't take our word for it.
Just listen to last year's participants who rated
Create Make Learn Summer Institute 5 out of 5! 

The Joy of Learning Through Creating and Making

Additional Comments from Participants (2023)

"Create Make Learn is a state of mind that really reinforces best practices in education while including inclusive practices".
"This experience will forever change the way I think and teach, and sparked an interest in me that I did not know I had."
"This has allowed me to design a whole new experience for my students. Without this I wouldn't have had the confidence to start to have students further explore makerspace activities"
"Great support, lots of choice, ability to make something meaningful"

"The flexibility of the instructor to switch and meet the needs of the group was spectacular. It feels like every person received what they needed."
"I love the way that this was set up. I feel that it provided a great balance of direct instruction, guided instruction and independent practice. We were able to bounce ideas off of each other and work collaboratively while also working on independent projects."
"I really appreciated the time to work at our own speed, and then the fluid choices of the day. Inspire, create confidence, make something useful"
"I accomplished a lot this week as I practiced and honed my skills, while also acquiring new ones. The class had a great balance of independent work and group discussions, which fostered a stimulating and productive learning environment."

Learn more at

Come and be INSPIRED
CREATE Confidence with new tools
MAKE a meaningful project
LEARN Design Thinking
& other ways to engage students with hands-on minds-on learning

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